Upcoming Meetings & Hearings
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Past Meetings & Hearings
Hearing to Examine Proven Strategies, New Opportunities to Fight Blight
Workshop Discussion on Wasteful, Vacant, Unused State Properties
Public hearing on orphaned and abandoned wells
Hearing on crime trends and solutions in Pennsylvania
Sen. Picozzi Brings Majority Policy Committee to Kensington to Meet with Philadelphia Police
To better understand the challenges and dangers faced by law enforcement in Philadelphia, Sen. Joe Picozzi (R-5) invited the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee to join the Philadelphia Police Department in Kensington on Wednesday. [Read More]
Senate Majority Policy Committee: Fighting Blight Revitalizes Neighborhoods
Strategies to repair or demolish blighted buildings in communities large and small were reviewed with local leaders at a roundtable discussion of the Senate Majority Policy Committee chaired by Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) and hosted by Sen. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-27) today. [Read More]
Senate Majority Policy Committee to Examine Proven Strategies, New Opportunities to Fight Blight
The Senate Majority Policy Committee, chaired by Sen. Dave Argall (R-29), will visit Sunbury next week to review successful strategies to fight the spread of blighted, decaying buildings in communities large and small. [Read More]
Senate Majority Policy Committee: $162 Million Wasted at Vacant State Properties
State legislators and local officials from across Pennsylvania called on the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) to end their wasteful delays and reuse the long-vacant Hamburg, White Haven, and Polk centers at a public hearing of the Senate Majority Policy Committee today. [Read More]
Senate Majority Policy Committee to Examine Reuse of Long-Vacant State Properties
Sen. Dave Argall (R-29), chair of the Senate Majority Policy Committee, is hosting a workshop discussion with Sen. Chris Gebhard (R-48) and Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R-21) reviewing new uses for three vacant state centers in Hamburg, White Haven, and Polk on Thursday, Jan. 9, from 2-4 p.m. at the Hamburg Strand Theater, located at 6 South 4th Street in Hamburg, PA. [Read More]


The Senate Majority Policy Committee holds hearings and informational briefings on a wide range of issues affecting Pennsylvanians.